Should I change my clothes?


Age Group: 3-5 years

Theme/Topic: Changing World, Changing me!

Curriculum Area: Social Studies, Science & Mathematics

Name of Activity:    Should I change my clothes?

Previous Knowledge: Students continue to explore the changes taking place in the world and how this affects them.

Materials: Computer, internet,

Strands:    Effective Communication, Citizenship



Children will be given opportunities to:


Discuss the different types of seasons and how this relates to the change in the earth.



Learn new vocabulary and extend language to communicate ideas from the video shown.



Students will engage in discussion and point to the different seasons when asked to.



  • Begin by explaining to students they will be learning about climate change and the different types of weather.
  • Explain to students in a simple term what climate is, (it is the change in the average weather patterns) rainy to sunny.
  • Students will have an open-end discussion about the different types of weather. E.g. what type of weather the country of Trinidad and Tobago experiences) which is called the wet season and dry season other countries like America has four (4) seasons winter, spring, summer, fall.
  • Students will be shown a short video about climate change and how it affects the weather pattern.
  • Students will count and name the different types of weather season.


ASSESSMENT: This will be done by asking students questions based on what was discussed and how well students interacted.