The Division of Education, Research and Technology (DERTech) is mandated to provide quality education for all, through innovative and progressive avenues. The Division is responsible for facilitating access to educational institutions and programmes in Tobago at the early childhood, primary and secondary levels. The DERTech is committed to the formulation and implementation of policies as well as providing substantial support to stakeholders, ensuring the continuous development of the education sphere in Tobago. The overall vision is to have a policy approach that is equitable and inclusive. The Division of Education, Research and Technology is a high-achieving organization that manages change strategically and prepares the human capital to compete successfully on a global scale. 

1. Inclusive education by 2024
2. Digitalization and digitization to improve quality of services (internal and external)
3. Quality education at ECCE, primary and secondary levels to incorporate the Tobago centric curriculum, remediation and acceleration as needed.
4. Streamlined procedures and operations for real-time delivery of quality services (internal and external)
5. Evidence-based policy directives.
6. Redesign/design effective accountability models in each department.

The Division of Education, Research and Technology (DERTech) is charged with the development and implementation of policies and initiatives related to education, research and technology in Tobago.  The Division operates in conjunction with the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the National Library and Information System (NALIS).

The Division is guided by the following Vision and Mission:


The Division of Education, Research and Technology is the supreme educational district that delivers quality service to all citizens and unveils the potential of the people to fully participate in the process of sustainable development.


To provide an environment that promotes and supports holistic development and lifelong learning through relevant, innovative and well-conceived educational programmes, thus enabling all persons to achieve their full potential as productive citizens.

Assemblyman Zorisha A. Hackett

Secretary of
Education, Research and Technology

Dianne Baker-Henry

Division of Education, Research and Technology

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