The Division

The Division of Education, Research and Technology (DERTech) is mandated to provide quality education for all through innovative and progressive avenues. The Division is responsible for facilitating access to educational institutions and programmes in Tobago at the early childhood, primary and secondary levels. The DERTech is committed to the formulation and implementation of policies as well as providing substantial support to stakeholders, ensuring continuous development of the education sphere in Tobago. The Division of Education, Research and Technology is a high-achieving organization that manages change strategically and prepares the human capital to compete successfully on a global scale. 

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Bursary- This type of financial assistance is awarded based on need and or merit of the applicant pursuing programmes with the duration of more than one year. Apply here

Grant- This type of financial assistance is awarded to individuals seeking limited financial assistance that is urgent and cannot be accommodated within the parameters of the bursary. This award caters to programmes no longer than one (1) year and does not exceed TTD20,000.00.  Apply here

Visit here to learn more.



The Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) is the first phase of the seamless education system. Click to learn more.



There are currently thirty-six (36) primary schools in Tobago which are overseen by the School Supervisor II and School Supervisor I. Click to learn more.



There are currently nine (9) secondary schools in Tobago which are overseen by the School Supervisor III. Click to learn more.



Tobago Hospitality & Tourism Institute is Tobago’s premier tertiary education institution that develops human capital for the hospitality, tourism and related sectors of the economy. Click to learn more. 


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