My, My, What a Big World


Age Group:   3 & 4-year-old.

Theme/Topic: Changing My World, Changing Me!

Curriculum Area: Language and Literacy

Name of Activity: My, My, What a Big World

Previous Knowledge: Children are familiar now with the word ‘landforms’

Materials: Internet or pre-recorded video; Television or projector, computer key-board; small pieces of chipped paper; peas, cut-out of the word ‘river’ large letter r

Strands: Effective Communication, Intellectual Empowerment, and Citizenship


Children will be given opportunities to:


Develop their language and literacy skills through the use of new vocabulary about landforms. They will develop also active listening skills.


Show concern and/or appreciation for their world


Assemble words/ names of landform (river) to see that reading is from left to right (this is for 4+ children). Make an outline of the letter r for river (this is for the 3-year-olds only)


Step 1: Show children a globe or picture of the world. Ask them to identify the object or picture. Let them know that it is a globe that shows all the places r countries of the world they live in.

Step 2: find on the globe their own country: Trinidad and Tobago.

Step 3: Let them know that Trinidad and Tobago have landforms such as rivers and sea.

Step 4: Ask: Have you ever seen a river? A river is a body of water that has land on both sides and it is narrow. River water is not salty like the sea(beach) water. River water is fresh (have children repeat this word).

Step 5:  Trinidad and Tobago have rivers. In Tobago there are: Courland River, Castara River, Coffee River and Bloody Bay River (Have children repeat the names of these rivers and show them pictures of each either on projector/ internet).

 Step 6: We have been saying ‘river’ for a while now. What letter is for ‘river’? Have children show the letter r either on their alphabet chart or on the computer keyboard.


Can you make the letter sounds, we can show you how?

What letter shall we learn? Let’s find out now. Let’s learn about the letter Rr

This is the capital R, this is the lowercase r,

Now you know that the letter looks like, let’s make the letter Rr sound

r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r letter Rr!

(find the letter r song here:

Step 4: Can you think of anything else you know with letter r sound? Write children’s responses as this would help them to develop their pre-reading skills and too, they will see spoken words in print form.

Step 5: Now set up a ‘river’ by placing a large letter r on the ground and play a game with children ‘In the River, on the bank’. Every time children jump in the river; they must say the sound and name of the letter.

Step 6: Have the word r-i-v-e-r cut out like this on cards for the children. They are to look at the teacher’s word river and mimic it with the letters on the card.

Step 7:  Give older children the word to assemble. Smaller children are to get the letter r printed on a sheet of paper for them to outline.

ASSESSMENT: Children will assemble the word river and they will point to all the ‘r’s they see in the word river. They will be asked to repeat the initial sound.

Younger children will say the name and sound of the letter as they make an outline of the letter with small pieces of paper/peas.