Age Group: 3 & 4-year-old.
Theme/Topic: Changing My World, Changing Me!
Curriculum Area: Science and Discovery
Name of Activity: Watch Me Change to…
Previous Knowledge: Children are familiar with water, paints and colours
Materials: Water, plastic cups, different food colouring or poster paints, play-doh
Strands: Effective Communication, Intellectual Empowerment, Citizenship and Aesthetic Expression
Children will be given opportunities to:
Use their scientific thinking by investigating colours in their environment to see how these changes to make new ones. They will predict and compare the colours
Show awareness of why colours are important. They will be willing to follow directions to complete experiments.
Develop their muscle skills as they engage in squeezing, pouring and mixing colours
Step 1: Place empty plastic cups on the table, also paints and spoons.
Step 2: Ask children to identify the items and say why we need colours
Step 3: Tell children that colours are very important to us. Colours help with our feelings: How we think; colours can cause our actions to change. Some colours can be so bright that it hurt our eyes, or even makes us depressed and sick! Do you believe that? Hmmm, but when we use colours the right ways, then colours makes us happy and full of energy!
We also need colours because they help us to communicate. Think of the traffic lights, what colours are they and what do they tell us to do? The red means to______ “stop” and green means _______”go.” All over the world we need the Traffic lights!
Does the traffic light change from one colour to the next? The light changes from Red, to Amber (yellow) then to Green.
Step 4: Today you will change some colours to see what happens. Give children the three primary colour: Red, Yellow and Blue in three separate plastic cups (Play-doh could be used if there is no paint). Ask them to say what new colour they think will appear if they colours were to mix, blue and yellow? (This will help them to predict future outcome of the situation)
Step 4: Allow children to gently pour some blue into the yellow and let them mix the colours together. Repeat same for yellow and red; red and blue
Step 5: Discuss with children what they see happened to the colours
ASSESSMENT: Questioning children on the new change they see after mixing the colours