The Hen’s Reproductive System

Agricultural Science- Form 4 Agricultural Science- Form 5


SUBJECT:        Agricultural Science

LEVEL:             Forms 4 & 5

TOPIC:             The Hen’s Reproductive System

CSEC Agricultural Science Syllabus

Section C: Animal Production

  1. Animal genetics, breeding and reproduction

Specific objective(s):

4.8 Relate the structure of the parts of an egg to its function

Reproductive organs of the hen (ovary and oviduct)

Table 1: Functions of various sections of the hen’s oviduct

Section of oviduct

Approximate time egg spends in this section

Functions of section of oviduct

1.  Funnel (infundibulum)

15 minutes

Receives yolk from ovary.

2.  Magnum

3 hours

Albumen and chalaza are secreted and layered around the yolk

3.  Isthmus

1 hour

 Inner and outer shell membranes are added, along with some water and mineral salts

4.  Shell gland (uterus)

21 hours

Some water is added, along with the shell material (mainly calcium carbonate).

Pigments may also be added to make the shell brown

5.  Vagina/


less than 1 minute

The egg passes through this section before laying.

Abnormalities in Egg Formation

    • Double Yolk Egg
    • Soft Shelled Egg
    • Yolkless Egg

Review Questions

1.      Summarize the process of egg formation using one of the following:

        • A Mathematical formula
        • A written statement on egg formation
        • An illustration of egg formation

2.      Which stage would you consider the most important in the egg formation process?

3.      How often would you get eggs from your layers and why?

4.      Use the internet to research the following abnormalities in egg formation  and summarize the information in the table below:

5.      Use the internet to research the following abnormalities in egg formation  and summarize the information in the table found on the last page of PDF below:


  • Ragoonanan, S. (2017). Agriculture for CSEC – New Edition Revision Course. La Romaine: Caribbean Educational Publishers (2003) Ltd.
  • Ramharacksingh, R. (2011). Agricultural Science for CSEC Examinations . Oxford: Macmillian Publishers Limited.

Additional Resources