The working environment however can at times be very demanding as the industry never sleeps but as I continue to get more exposure and training in different areas I am growing more and more into appreciating and being proud of the path I took.
This job has certainly allowed me to grow into being more alert, more responsible, and dependable.
If you could do it all over again, would you choose the same path for yourself?
After looking back at the path I chose, a lot of sacrifices were made by myself and my family, but I have never regretted once the decisions which have brought me to the point I am at today. Knowing what I know now I can safely say that it was worth it. Following your dreams may not always be an easy road but the result is always rewarding.
What are some tips to give to persons wanting to follow your career path?
Anyone who wishes to embark on a similar path must be willing to have a committed mindset as the Maritime Industry calls for persons who are ready to work hard.
Signing up for the degree at UTT and similar programmes offered are very much easy and readily accessible. Communication with the UTT staff is very clear as they are more than willing to assist in all areas for their students. This degree offers a wide spectrum of job opportunities such as Ship Surveyor, Cargo Planner, Terminal Operator, Port Administrator, Maritime Risk and Safety Management, Manning and Crewing, Ship Management/Fleet Personnel Management and the list can go on.
Finally, partnering with the THA Financial Assistance programme that DATAS facilitates should be a high priority especially if one requires funding. Not only do they offer funding but great advisory service and communication as well.